Successful year for Ryan Soo-Jones
August 31, 2023
14-year-old Ryan is getting great results, competing against more experienced opponents
Rosmini awarded silver at NZCF The Big Sing Cadenza Festival
August 25, 2023
Rosmini was one of 12 choirs from the Upper North Island that were selected to attend this competition where the level of…
Easter Island joins Rosmini's TOTCUS project
August 25, 2023
Rosmini’s TOTCUS project has added another location to the collection of collaborating teams from across the Pacific
Quiz with Class a success for Rosmini Water Polo
August 25, 2023
An enjoyable evening was had by all who attended the water polo fundraiser, and a fantastic amount of money was raised for…
Envirofortnight at Rosmini
August 21, 2023
Over two weeks the students at Rosmini College focused on the environment in and outside of the classroom
Challenge and fun at Vector Wero Whitewater Park
August 17, 2023
Our Year 12 Outdoor Education students enjoyed a thrilling white water experience as part of their assessments
Envirogroup visits Tiritiri Matangi Island
August 14, 2023
Rosmini Envirogroup and Year 13 Biology students explored the interesting and unique island sanctuary
Peace Week 2023
August 11, 2023
Once again senior students from Young Vinnies and the Catholic Character Team took part in Peace Week 2023
Visit to Howick Historical Village
August 10, 2023
Six year 10 social studies classes visited the historical location as part of the new 'Colonial New Zealand' topic
Top 5 finishes for Intermediate teams at Tim Sonderer Memorial
August 10, 2023
The three Rosmini teams played exceptionally well, earning top 5 finishes and a bronze medal for Rosmini White
KBB Band and Orchestra Festival
August 10, 2023
The Rosmini Orchestra travelled to the Holy Trinity Cathedral in Parnell to compete in the KBB Band and Orchestra Festival
Media Studies Weta Workshop Tour
August 10, 2023
The Weta Workshop Unleashed tour was an opportunity for the boys to see some behind the scenes aspects of the film industry
Students recognised at Caring Foundation Awards
August 3, 2023
Eight Rosmini students received awards recognising their service to the poor
Concert showcases musical talent at Rosmini
July 27, 2023
On Tuesday 25 July the music department at Rosmini hosted a concert to showcase the wonderful musical talent we have here…
Science trip to Hawaii
July 27, 2023
Twelve students spent 12 days on the road in Hawaii over the June-July holidays, exploring the geological and cultural features…
Matariki Magic at Rosmini
July 27, 2023
The students and staff at Rosmini College were invited to celebrate Matariki in their classrooms, and it was fantastic to…
Rosmini represents in NZ water polo squad
July 24, 2023
Rosmini College was proud to see four of their students represent New Zealand in the U18 Water Polo team
The Big Sing 2023
June 29, 2023
Rosmini Chamber Choir achieved great results at the Big Sing this year
Japanese Delegation visit Rosmini
June 27, 2023
Rosmini College had the honor of hosting a visit for an international education delegation from Japan, showing them some…
Water Polo Winter Festival 2023
June 27, 2023
The Rosmini Blue, Red and White teams all had great results at the Winterfest, with the Blue team securing a bronze medal